Saturday, September 6, 2003

Pilanesburg NP and Sun City

Phillip and Inga took me on a drive through Pilanesburg National Park to see some game. This park has the big 5 and we saw three of them - rhinos, herd of buffalos, and an elephant. I was only able to get a picture of the rhinos tho since the herd and elephant was a distance away.
On the evening of the first night, we also went to Sun City. A multi-million dollar entertainment complex built right in the middle of a volcano. We took a look around the really expensive hotel there - The Palace at the Lost City. Then we went over to Sun City for dinner and a bit of gambling. I played the roulette since I didn't know how to play the other table that was open and I wasn't much into slots. I went in with R100 and came out with R220. I more than doubled my winnings!! But R100 is only about $12.... I guess I have to play big to win big. The minimum bet on the table was like R5 - less than a $1.

On the way back from Pilansburg, we stopped in a market. My intention was to not buy anything on this trip, but things are so cheap I gave in and bought a few things (wall hangings, necklace, gobblets). I'll have to ship them back soon so I don't have to carry them around.

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